O.k., I know. I have a big “L” on my forehead right now. Loser, Lazy, Lightweight...
Pick one, pick them all. Who knew my summer would turn out to be so busy?! I know I could set aside my Leisure time, what Little there is of it. I could be working on my blog, instead of wandering around in my yard, admiring my flowers and cherry tomatoes. But memories of swirling snow and frigid air invade my thoughts and make me extremely reluctant to sit in front of a computer on such beautiful days. So I hope you all will forgive me and stick by me. I will return to more frequent posting soon...very soon. I have decided to post all three Triple Dog Dare Challenges together, a summer collection of sorts.
The Triple Dog Dare for August is Herbs. And don’t worry, there will be a winner for every month!